Saturday 18 May 2013

Why Do You Do Saving?

So as refer to the title, why do you do saving? Do you have a clear set of financial goals in life, or you are just following the society trend where the old people will tell you, "Boy, save your money for your future." ?

Besides, quite a number of the young people nowadays do not even save a sen, they spend everything within a month. Reason being the expenses are too high, the income is too low to sustain a better lifestyle. And yes, did I just mentioned a "better lifestyle"? I will say so is because most of my friends around me, they are earning average income, but are always desired for so many things, branded stuff, shopping, better restaurant for a gang meet up session, or perhaps just an expensive coffee after a day of work. There is only one thing in their mindset "SPEND".

Of course, I am not saying all of the young people are like this, I do have friends who have a very clear financial goals and save a lot of money at such a young age. There is an interesting fact that I have found out, ignore the family financial background and lets just count on the average income young people, the people who like to show how luxury their life is to their peers are normally top spender whom do not save, they do not have financial freedom but yet they makes people feel that they are really rich, ironical, isn't it? Hey buddy, saving equals to cash flow, and cash flow, is the thing that will bring you security, worry-free and blissful life for your future.

Saving will brings you security plus worry-free life for future

Some sarcastic people might say, "hello, save for what? There are so many uncertainties in life, I might be dying at young age, why not used up my money and enjoy my life right now?". Yeah, you are right buddy, but how if you live longer than you expected? What if you meet someone you love, and wishing to start a blissful family? What if you started to aim for a better car when your peers are all starting to upgrade their cars? What if you wish to buy a house and have a more stable life instead of renting a house from others? The later you start to plan your saving, the more money you will need to save due to the cost of delay, inflation and etc. You might need to work at the age you suppose to retire just because you did not save during young.

Do not spend all of your retirement money while you are still young.

Not to mention retirement, you would not want to beg others when you need emergency fund but you do not have any. Try to imagine, what will it be if you need money, you lose your ability to work, but you have no saving. Sad, isn't it?

I am not asking you not to spend nor make yourself suffer in order to save money, of course you can buy whatever you want and live the lifestyle you dreamed of. Yes, you can spend, if you already have a good planning in saving and remained a certain cash flow, you can then spend so happily and freely on what is remained after saving, am I right? I am just asking you to balance out and re-shaped your spending behavior. The main idea is like this,

Do not SAVE what is leftover after spending, SPEND what is leftover after saving.

You get what I mean? This is also the saving concept from Li Ka Shing, if you know who is him, the richest person of East Asian descent from Hong Kong.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Let your money work for you by investing it in low risk or even no-risk saving plan. It is going to benefit you and helped you to save a certain amount of money or even more at a specific year. I am going to share more on our products info in future posts. Or you can contact me or comment below if you wish to understand on the saving plan more.

Wishing you to have a financial worry-free life in the future  by having a good planning now!

Happy Saving!

Life is GREAT! 

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